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Catherine G. Lucas
Founder of Co-Creating Our Future, Author & Birth The
New Earth Host
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Catherine G. Lucas is the author of four books on how to move successfully through crisis and harness the transformational power it holds. A former university lecturer, Catherine left her academic career behind to step into her soul’s deeper calling following a profound crisis of awakening. She set up the UK Spiritual Crisis Network, which is still going strong 15 years later, although she is no longer on the Board of Directors. 2021 sees the 10th anniversary of the publication of her seminal text In Case of Spiritual Emergency: Moving Successfully Through Your Awakening. More recently, Catherine has initiated the publication of the open letter, The Rebirth of People & Planet in a Time of Global Emergency, along with an accompanying petition to the UN. She is also the Founder of Co-Creating Our Future which delivers online group programs. Her work has been described as visionary and pioneering.
Yeye Luisah Teish
Initiated Elder In Ifa/Orisha Tradition
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Yeye Luisah Teish is an initiated elder (Iyanifa) in the Ifa/Orisha tradition and a member of the Global Council for Ancestor Veneration. She is the author of“Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals, a women’s spirituality classic. Yeye teaches courses and facilitates kinship groups online.
Free gift: Plum Blossoms - an animated poem
Steven McFadden
Independent Journalist And Author
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Independent journalist Steven McFadden of New Mexico, USA, has been writing about the Earth, farms, food, and wisdom ways for over 40 years. Having walked across North America under the teachings of the Seven Fires, he's at work now on the biography of a respected Navajo leader.
Mick Collins, Ph.D.
Occupational Therapist & Author & Birth The New Earth Team Member
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Dr. Mick Collins is an author, visionary activist, transpersonal occupational therapist and coach. He is a former occupational therapist in acute mental health settings, and in a specialist psychological therapies team, having trained for nine years in Process Oriented Psychology. Mick also worked for ten years as a Lecturer and Director of Admissions within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Mick writes on eco-psycho-spiritual matters. He is the author of a trilogy, The Unselfish Spirit, The Visionary Spirit and The Restorative Spirit (the third book is due out shortly). He continues to assist individuals and groups in the exploration and engagement of deep transformative processes.